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If you meet all our requirements, then we will approve your profile as an Expert.
Account details will be shared with you. Let everyone know about your expertise.
By hosting webinars, writing news/blogs & answering queries raised on the platform.
Through which you’ll be able to share the knowledge across the platform.
Experts will display in a different section thus gaining more recognition.
Be the best in what you love to do. Create new questions with a large category provided in TechGig including coding, subjective, sentence completion, multiple choice, appropriate solution, database, front-end, android, project submission and applications. With such large quantity, you can easily create a unique test and allow highly talented candidates to get short-listed
Be the best in what you love to do. Create new questions with a large category provided in TechGig including coding, subjective, sentence completion, multiple choice, appropriate solution, database, front-end, android, project submission and applications. With such large quantity, you can easily create a unique test and allow highly talented candidates to get short-listed
If you want to look good to recruiters, establish yourself as an expert, and help other people, then a blog can do nothing but good things for you. TechGig brings to you a platform, where you can excel in different skills and achieve an eminent Tech Quotient in your profile with a noticeable participation in skill tests and running challenges, you can also post blogs on TechGig. If you’ve got the ambition, then let’s dive in!
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