Coding Environment

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For Developers

Coding Environment

Language Version Timelimit
in seconds
Memory Limit
in MB
Libraries provided Additional Libraries
C gcc 8.2.0 2 512
C++ g++ 8.2.0 2 512
C++11 g++ 8.2.0, C11 standard 2 512
C++14 g++ 8.2.0, C14 standard 2 512
C# Mono compiler v4.6.2, .NET Framework 4.6 3 512 newtonsoft json library
Java 1.7.0_111 4 512 json-simple json library stanford-nlp, weka and java-ml
Java 8 1.8.0_111 4 512 json-simple json library json-simple json library
Kotlin version 1.3.11-release-272 4 512
PHP PHP 5.6.39 5 512
PHP 7 PHP 7.3.0 5 512
Python Python 2.7.15 5 512
Python 3 Python 3.7.1 5 512
Perl v5.28.0 5 512 json library
Ruby ruby 2.5.3p105 5 512
Node Js v11.5.0 5 512
Scala version 2.12.8 4 512
Clojure Clojure 1.10.0 4 512
Haskell version 8.6.2 5 512
Lua Lua 5.3.3 6 512
Erlang Erlang/OTP 21 6 512
Swift Swift version 4.2.1 2 1024
VBnet Visual Basic.Net Compiler version (Mono 4.7 - tarball) 5 512
Js Rhino 5 512
Objc Gcc 8.2.0 with gnustep 2 512 Runtime(gnustep-libobjc2) Foundation Kit Blocks runtime libdispatch
Pascal version 3.0.4 5 512
Go go 1.11.4 4 1024
F# F# Compiler version 4.1, Mono JIT compiler version 4 512
D v2.083.1 3 512
Groovy Groovy Version: 2.5.5 JVM: 1.8.0_191 5 512 JVM: 1.7.0_80
Tcl Version: 8.6.0+9 5 512
Ocaml 4.05.0 3 512 Jane Street OCaml core libraries
Smalltalk GNU Smalltalk version 3.2.5 5 512
Cobol cobc (GnuCOBOL) 3.0-rc1.0 3 512
Racket v7.1 5 512
Bash 4.4.19(1)-release 1 512
GNU Octave version 4.2.2 5 512
Rust rust 1.31.0 5 512
Common LISP SBCL 1.4.5.debian 6 512
R R scripting front-end version 3.5.1 (2018-07-02) 3 512
Julia version 1.0.3 5 1024
Fortran GNU Fortran (Ubuntu 7.3.0-27ubuntu1~18.04) 7.3.0 5 1024
Ada GNAT 7.3.0 5 1024
Prolog SWI-Prolog version 7.6.4 5 1024
Icon Icon Version 9.4.3 5 1024
Elixir Elixir 1.7.4 5 512
CoffeeScript CoffeeScript version 2.3.2 5 512
Brainfuck version 20041219 5 512
Pypy PyPy2.7.13 v6.0.0 5 512
Lolcode lci v0.10.5 5 512
Nim Version 0.19.0 5 512
Picolisp Picolisp 18.6.28 5 512
Pike Pike v8.0 5 512
Whitespace gcc 4.9.2 5 512
pypy3 PyPy3.5.3 v6.0.0 5 512
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