Usability/UI Series (Session 2): Experience Design challenges and what does it mean to be the new breed of designer

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Video length - 01:04:21

678 attendees

Conducted on - 21 Feb,2012


About Speaker
Sudhindra VenkateshamurthyHead of Experience Design, SapientNitro India
Sudhindra is a Certified Usability Analyst, with over 12 years in various roles and capacities architecting User Interfaces. He heads the Experience Design for SapientNitro in India and leads the capacity in client ...
We are in a world thats ever changing. There is ever so more no. of devices in the market, increasing expectations from our users in an increasingly convergent world. This complexity is also the opportunity that a smart designer can leverage.  The technology progress has been so rapid that even before you settle into a new order, there will be a something new staring at you. In this webinar, we will discuss: 
  • Key Performance Indicators
  • Experience Principles
  • Examples that illustrate the points 
  • Key Learning areas of this session are: 
  • What is the future going to look like
  • What is needed to survive in the future
  • Who is a Designer
  • Some technical skills to be successful as a designer

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    User InterfaceDesign
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